life as i know it | Teen Ink

life as i know it

November 14, 2013
By understatement BRONZE, Pine, Colorado
understatement BRONZE, Pine, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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... and he whispered in the horses ear "trust no man in whos eyes you don't see yourself reflected as a equal"

As i lay shattered and broken on my bed my mind is flooded with ideas, pictures and thoughts of what could be. A single tear roll down my cheek and lands on the sheets that cover my bed. in my head i hear his voice, i see his face, and i remember his touch, i fear i won't know his touch again. at this thought tears pour from my eyes and stain the sheets where i lay. though my body lay silent my heart races, rushing blood through my veins. my mind so full of sadness small amounts pour from my eyes showing the rest of the world what sadness fills my soul. i pull my dead body off my bed and look at the mirror so flawlessly hung on the wall elegant and breathtaking green pears through the angry redness of my eyes. at the center of that lovely green and black roundness stands unshaken by the tears that pour so endlessly out. my nostrils grow wide as my lungs fill. air drats out of my body, and agent my efforts my knees finally give. my body lays on the soft blue carpet of my room. my hand searches long alone till finally pulls down a white square pillow, with help from my other hand the pillow is placed under my head. my face covered by my long hair, while silent tears still fall from my eyes.

The author's comments:
i wish i didnt know this feeling as well as i do

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