A Walk Through the Woods | Teen Ink

A Walk Through the Woods

November 22, 2013
By Brooke Poll SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
Brooke Poll SILVER, Gilford, New Hampshire
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As you walk along the trodden path in the deep forests,
on a bright sunny day,
you stumbled over a slippery
This slippery root
belonged to a fragile and dying tree
far off the path.
Usually you would keep walking forward,
but unlike other trees whose roots you stumbled over,
you stopped and took a good
l o n g
look at this tree.
After a while, you started to walk off the path usually walked on by others,
toward the tree.

This tree rarely had visitors and was
The tree knew that after you came over and visited,
you would leave and continue
on the path, never to
come back again—just like the others.

As you walked up to the tree, it shook what leaves it had,
even though most were a
blackened yellow with a few
Despite the awful appearance of the tree, you still found interest.
After circling the tree many times,
and feeling the impenetrable and rough-hewn bark on your fingers,
the brittle branches stretched out to touch your skin,
but oblivious to the tree’s need,
you returned to the path and continued along
your way.

The leaves on the tree
darkened as it stood in
sorrowed silence.
Many days and nights passed by
as the tree stood

One day, you doubled back
and retraced your steps to the
you originally had slipped on.
Again, you walked off the usual path.

You circled the tree,
this time slowly—
you saw what no one else could see—
you took in the sight with
you were looking at me.
You cared and saw me for what I was,
and not for the costume I was wearing.

Just as you had planned since
you truly found me,
you took my hand in yours, and led me
to the trodden path, where we walked

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This article has 1 comment.

on Nov. 24 2013 at 5:08 pm
Foolish_tonuged_artist SILVER, Dexter, Michigan
9 articles 1 photo 14 comments

Favorite Quote:
'If there is ever a tomorrow that we are not together always remember that your braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. Most importantly always remember that I'll always be with you.'- C.Robin to Winnie The Pooh

This a really nice poem.