That Fourth Of July | Teen Ink

That Fourth Of July

November 25, 2013
By Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
Jonathon Micheal BRONZE, Boston, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That Fourth Of July when fireworks fly
The Image Of Beauty out in the sky
Those Fireworks shall never die

They Pop And They Blow
They Have So Much To Show
But When I Reach Out My Hand
To Grab Just A Strand
They Seem To Fade Away
On That Fourth Of July Day

I Wish They Could Stay
But They Fly Far Away
I Wish I Could Fly
So I Would Never Die

That Fourth Of July When Fireworks Fly
The Image Of Beauty Out in The Sky
Those Fireworks Shall Never Die

The author's comments:
Why Don't they stay?

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