Whispering Words | Teen Ink

Whispering Words

November 12, 2013
By McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
McMuffin9 BRONZE, Branson, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whether the words are painted on wood and poorly placed in the ground,
Or mechanically printed on metal and strategically placed on the edge of the curb,
Signs have a way of affecting the atmosphere around them.

The sign tells you that it’s more than it appears.
It’s more than just a park it’s a neighborhood;
It’s where memories are made and laughter is uncontained.
Even when it seems empty the life can still be heard
through the creaking swings and wind running through the tunnels.

Some signs are even capable of reflecting the way we feel
Like the way life at times seems pointless, like a dead end.
But for some reason we keep going
Drawn to the giant trees with the changing leaves
Because for some reason it just seems worth it.

Signs tell people more than just the obvious.

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