Flawless; Breathless | Teen Ink

Flawless; Breathless

December 2, 2013
By Nequdre BRONZE, Frenchtown, Montana
Nequdre BRONZE, Frenchtown, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Quod me nutrit, me destruit."

Puppeteer matron
She snips and saws
Paints and perfects
Captures and creates
She adorns them with lace
And patent leather violins
The lily-white harlots
Swollen from bile and sin
She puts zippers on lips
Rose-shade, sweet and young

Creases at the corners
She hasn't laughed in her life
Her tongue is stained
Red from lust
Calloused fingers
Almost dead

O, do they dance!
They make dance with the puppet girls
The snowflake skin puppet girls
The eyeless

Come forth, young gents!
And make dance
With puppet girls!
The finest show in the land!
If you can get past the maggots,
You may touch their bare skin!

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