Waterloo | Teen Ink


December 7, 2013
By Douglas Center BRONZE, Madisonville, Kentucky
Douglas Center BRONZE, Madisonville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Napoleon, Napoleon, my savior and my king,
Your promises have vanished, all in spiteful vain,
For it was at Waterloo, you felt defeat’s mighty sting,
And at Waterloo your forces lay, all slain,

My Warrior of Corsica, my knight in shining armor,
You made a kingdom of my ruins, a tree out of my ashes,
Higher and higher you rose, always looking upward,
You sought to please all, and satisfy my masses,

Napoleon, Napoleon, a crown for Napoleon!
For it was soon an emperor to be,
But your hands were bloody and unclean,
And it was that fateful day at Waterloo that I could not foresee,

Your pride was your downfall in the year 1812,
For the Russians defeated you, and later the British thy enemy,
You were banished to Elba, to live I eternal hell,
But you escaped, back to fame and infamy,

Napoleon, Napoleon, the great Napoleon has returned!
Oh Napoleon, if only you knew,
Our great general is home, the tides will be turned!
And on your armies marched, onward to Waterloo

There you met the Duke of Wellington, and his allies,
For it was there at Waterloo you met defeat’s face,
You abandoned me! And you were banished to die,
And at St. Helens you found your final resting place

The author's comments:
I am fascinated with History. I always winder what goes on in famous figures' heads. This poem is being told by France, represented by a woman. She is telling how Napolean was defeated at Waterloo.

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