Blindness- Who Is Truly Blind? | Teen Ink

Blindness- Who Is Truly Blind?

December 6, 2013
By TD,RUNKLE,Spartan001 SILVER, Zanesville, Ohio
TD,RUNKLE,Spartan001 SILVER, Zanesville, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Some of you mock us and some of you pity us,
Such ignorance,
As if we are stupid or incapable,
As if we are children who need you hold our hands,
You try to put us on a leash like a dog,
You make up all these what if’s to justify your actions,
But it is you who are truly blind and ignorant if you think us incapable,
Who is Truly Blind?,
It is YOU world,
But we are slowly changing that,
We the Visually Impaired and Blind community,
We are slowly lifting the dark shroud of ignorance and stereotypes,
And replacing it with the light of understanding and equality.

The author's comments:
I am Visually Impaired and this is my view on how the world views people with Visually Impairments

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