Think | Teen Ink


December 17, 2013
By Angelito SILVER, Solvang, California
Angelito SILVER, Solvang, California
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations." ~ John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

I look out of the window.

The drips of rain trickled down the cold glass.

My breath left a puff of moisture on the pane.

I trace a heart onto the glass,

And I watch it slowly fade.

I was so cold and isolated.

What was I doing here? I was all alone.

Slowly getting up, I walk to the door.

I open it, careful to make no sound.

Pitter Patter

The rain taunts me to come outside.

Taking a deep breath, I step over the thresh hold and into the cold.

I look into the puddle where my bare foot rests.

I slowly inch my tense legs forward.

Finally, the rain hits me.

Softly, at first, and then harder.

The sky is gray and cloudy, and thunder threatens to strike.

I no longer feel cold or alone.

I feel light.

I stood there, letting the faint sun soak through my clothes.

Let it seep into my skin.

Let it cleanse my soul.

The light inside my heart burned bright.

My body relaxed, and hope flowed out of me.

The rain hit harder than before.

Lightning and thunder struck across the sky.

Then, it all stopped.

Completely ceased to be.

A flash of color caught my eye.

A rainbow.

There had been darkness, but hope destroys all bad.

I looked up and saw the sun faintly peeking out from behind the clouds.

I closed my eyes, and smiled.

The author's comments:
I thought a lot about how teenagers go through depression. They suffer a lot and I though about how they have to be strong. They have to have hope.

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