Boys Will Be Boys and I’m So Sick of That Excuse | Teen Ink

Boys Will Be Boys and I’m So Sick of That Excuse

December 21, 2013
By sarahalcatraz BRONZE, Valley Glen, California
sarahalcatraz BRONZE, Valley Glen, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Contentment between agonies is the elixir of existence."

Boys will be boys
With your dulcet sweet nothings
Your lithe, suave moves
As if you believe
That is the only way
To win a person’s heart

Boys will be boys
With your perpetual need
To always be right
As if we are merely your scapegoats
For all your petty problems

Boys will be boys
With your offensive and repugnant
Thoughts and language
It makes me want to
Scrub your mouth down
And expurgate all your repulsive vocabulary
Until it is spotless and polished

Boys will be boys
With your den of eniquity
Your strong desire to usurp and dominate
Every single one of us
Even the most powerful talisman
Isn’t enough for protection

Boys will be boys
With your never ending persistence
As if the word “no”
Is a reply that could be easily vacillated
No matter how many times
We yell, scream, and fight

Boys will be boys
With your myriad of excuses
But our perspicacious minds
Can see past your pellucid façades of artificiality

Boys will be boys
With your idyllic actions and behaviors
As if you are above everyone else
That you presume your conducts hold
No consequences

Boys will be boys
With your constant hair pulling and teasing
When we complained and opposed
Adults dismissed it and said
“Thats their way of showing they like you”
When you speak to us in a patronizing voice
Relegating us to different roles and positions
Is that, too, your way of showing us
Your love and affection?

Boys will be boys
And I’m so sick and tired
Of every single one of you

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