Women-The fighter | Teen Ink

Women-The fighter

December 30, 2013
By Saakshi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Saakshi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She fights to destroy the evil.
She convicts to punish the guilty.
She demands to restore her right.
She immolates,sacrifices herself to immortalize her own blood.

She is loveable daughter,in the protective zone of her mother's shield,
Still juvenile to discover secrets that the world conceals.
She is a protective mother,soothing her child in the warmth of her lap,
Patiently humming a lullaby till her baby dozes off for a nap.

She is committed,unblemished soulmate,
Remembers her promises till she counts her last breath.
She is a tolerant wife,securing her amity,
Subjecting herself to pain,protecting her affinity.

She is a guiding sister,leading you your way.
Prepared to stand with you,incase you fail.
When a woman can play all such roles,
Why can't we raise a question to our souls?

The one we worship as deities in temples,
Is mocked today mercilessly on roads and shambles!
We fall before her idol,to seek her benediction.
We impertinently disrespect her,when it comes to adhering relations!

Introspect into your conscience,peep into your heart,recollect your deeds,
Will that Goddess bless such cheats?

She is an enchantress,swaying the world with magic.
She is an illusionist,binding her family hypnotically.
She is a purifier,forgiving the sins of yesterday.
She is a WOMAN,abandoned,desolated in the past,but INDEPENDENT today.

She will not bear with atrocities anymore.
She will not cry tears of blood anymore.
She will fight back,retaliate,pay back every sin,
Consistently till she finally wins!

You may be harsh to her,but she will not punish you.
Instead your guilt will silently kill you!
Enough of injustice,enough of tears.
Now its time for YOU to FEAR.

Don't take her for granted,
She may not spare you empty-handed!
Don't forget,women are the power behind the birth of mankind.
And this shall remain the truth till the universe survives!

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