Supernova | Teen Ink


January 6, 2014
By literarygeek BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
literarygeek BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." - Maya Angelou

When a supernova explodes,
It spews minerals and elements like ashes light years and light years away,
It breaths colors into unknown planets like dandelion seeds and promises life to the universe,
It gives birth to our planet earth.

When a supernova explodes, every color in the electromagnetic spectrum exists in a moment in time,
Not a minutes,
Not a second,
Not a millisecond,
A moment bursting with color and energy,
A moment that spews stardust in every direction.

When a supernova explodes,
The death of a star is the birth of a hope,
A hope for life,
A hope that maybe if there is a planet in the exact right place,
The supernova could make a place of life,
Life that circulates oxygen and carbon-dioxide from the stars,
Takes hydrogen into more life that slips through hands,
And helium that makes red balloons float towards the sky.

When a supernova explodes,
A new type of celestial body is formed,
Made of star dust all the same,
Minerals from that explosion,
Elements from that big bang,
A new type of celestial body walks, talks, and can’t help but look up and the sky and wonder,

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