The Transformation | Teen Ink

The Transformation

January 3, 2014
By Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
Saket Sekhsaria BRONZE, Coimbatore, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As i was playing badminton, normally it could be said, i felt a pain in my right knee and it seared to my head.

I was in the hospital, on the surgery bed but all i could think about was whether i would get to play again.

The surgery was a success and everybody wished me well but as i lay with crutches, i was always stuck to my bed.The wound was still fresh and so was the pain, i felt so low like what could i possibly gain, i was so sad that the best thing really was the leg pain.

Then it hit me, all of a sudden but it came ,that a surgery cannot stop me or so cant a paralysed leg, i would work hard no matter the chances the doctor said.

I started physiotherapy, the mild one and the pain was mind blowing. I worked hard continuing it everyday and i felt my leg start moving, the happy mood started a brewing.

Now i stand here, on the strength of my leg and think of all the horrible possibilities that i havent even said, i could have been on a wheel chair but thanks to hard work and belief no hopes are dead.

The pain is gone but the memories aren't and look at the transformation i have made, with a new found hope and confidence i feel great. While i cant thank my parents, doctors and god enough i hope to help better the people who aren't lucky enough.

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