A Generation in Need | Teen Ink

A Generation in Need

January 6, 2014
By tschaefer29 BRONZE, Thomaston, Connecticut
tschaefer29 BRONZE, Thomaston, Connecticut
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Teens with no education,
No love and support,
No thrive to do good in life;
A generation in need of confidence.

Majority getting arrested,
Not caring about anything they do,
Vandalism, bullying, stealing, drugs;
A generation in need of change.

Some suicidal,
Everyone making fun of them,
No one understanding their struggle;
A generation in need of care.

Sometimes getting abused,
Mentally and physically,
By parents who don’t even care;
A generation in need of love.

Carelessly getting pregnant,
Not facing the consequences,
Of bringing an innocent life into the world;
A generation in need of help.

Falsely having abortions,
Not fully aware of their actions,
Of taking such an innocent life;
A generation in need of awareness.

Most on the verge of depression,
Going through life with no confidence,
No motivation to do anything,
A generation in need of hope.

A generation in desperate need of help,
In need of awareness of these teen’s struggles.
Because when struggling teens faces reality,
They stretch beyond the lines of normality.

A generation in desperate need.

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