The Mask We Wear | Teen Ink

The Mask We Wear

January 7, 2014
By KindStranger SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
KindStranger SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience.” -HL

I wear a mask on the hottest day.
In the middle of winter.
I cannot go without my smiling mask.
I bring it with me where ever I may go.
"Why?" some will ask.
To hide the monster within.
The thing that resides just underneath my skin.

On the physical, I may be so innocent and kind.
If you'd inquire deeper you will see something entirely different.
The eyes so clouded and confused are nearly blind
Of the horrors they've witnessed.
The lips dry and cracked from the screams left unheard.
Ears are covered from the filth that attacks them on the daily.
And the skin, so pallid and tear streaked lay defeated and grey on brittle bones.

My mask is not so permanent.
Sometimes it runs away when I need it most.
Tossed away in the storm of emotions and pain.
Where were you dear friend?
When I was so desperate and lost?
You're back now. You'll always return.
Won't you?

So that is why I wear my mask of smiling attention.
I wear my mask on the hottest day.
In the middle of winter.
I bring it with me where ever I go.
I reason behind it, you already know.

The author's comments:
I'm an incredibly reserved person, so showing my weaknesses or affection towards others is hard. I can see it in other people too. That sadness hangs around me because I tried to be something I'm not. Happy.

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