Too Beautiful | Teen Ink

Too Beautiful

January 14, 2014
By ToriHare BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
ToriHare BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She looks in the mirror
And lifts up her shirt
To see she has five blue
Fingers on her side.

She wipes the tears
But it does no good.
She looks down and screams
Don't do this to me!

She tries to forget
But it doesn't work,
You can't cover a wound
That keeps getting worse.

No one deserves this
Not even you,
You are too beautiful
To keep turning blue.

She tries to hide
The blue fingers on her side
But she can't hide the others
That caused the tears in her eyes.

She lifts up her skirt
And still doesn't realize
She is too beautiful
To keep getting hurt.

He sits in his cell
And closes his eyes
But all he cant think of
Is the sound of her cries.

He doesn't know
How hard she tried
To be everything
He wanted her to be.

But she finally realized
She doesn't deserve this
Because she is too beautiful
To be covered in shades of blue.

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