Shaky Testing | Teen Ink

Shaky Testing

January 24, 2014
By ERRORunova BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
ERRORunova BRONZE, Hampden, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

He is about 5 foot 7 inches
He wore a black winter coat
Decorated with white melting snowflakes
As he gets on the school bus he sits down in the first seat
Taking in a cold deep breath of air
Feeling a chill down his throat

Then he puts his backpack next to him
Blocking anyone from sitting by him
His eyes dart around the bus
He must take a quiz today, a final in math to be exact
He opens his math notebook
Reads the schedule: Test in Algebra, June 2
He sighs and begins reading several equations
His hands grip the seat as the bus takes a turn
He doesn’t let go

His hands slowly release his grip
Then he breathes slowly
His heart patters loudly
He then moves to window
Wipes the cold smooth glass
Revealing the school on the other side
His feet start to tap
He turns away from the window
He stops tapping
His eyes widen as the bus slows
The bus comes to a halt
Staring into the school’s main entrance

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