Eviction Notice | Teen Ink

Eviction Notice

January 25, 2014
By Littlelyss GOLD, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Littlelyss GOLD, Grand Rapids, Michigan
10 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. ~John Green

You've built this home in my heart.
And you won't take
my eviction notice seriously.
But- you don't get it.
Don't understand.
I need you out.
You're building these walls between
me and the ones I love because
I'm terrified.
Terrified they'll hurt me.
Just like you.
And I can't survive another you.
Two of you would shatter me
and it's taken so long to rebuild.
So, here's your eviction notice,
in the form of ink and paper,
take it and go.
Or at least settle with the lights
being turned off.
Because I'm done.
I'm done with your memory hurting me.
All you had to do was leave my life to hurt me this way.
You already left me once,
so why can't you leave my heart?
I'm so tangled up in missing you
that I can't seem to get free.
So here's your eviction notice.
Take it
and leave.

The author's comments:
I wrote this about my best friend/crush who moved away last month. Miss you.

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