Society's Fault | Teen Ink

Society's Fault

January 30, 2014
By Carnii BRONZE, Patalaska, Ohio
Carnii BRONZE, Patalaska, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What matters in life?
By what norm do we confide?
Is it the stereotype that divides us?
Or something more divine.
Do you think of breaking away?
Do you ponder it day through day?
All these questions and more,
Can be answered by opening the door.
The things that restrict,
Are the things society contradict.
The lies we are told,
Keep the pomp~us ideas sold.
Fear keeps the common man caged,
As well as the humanity raised.
The ideas of the narrow minded,
Keep the rest of us blinded.
To have the courage to shift,
All we know and miss.
To move and lift,
The normal lists,
So we can find,
A way to chip away the blinds.
So we won't be so confined.
We must open our eyes,
To the worlds cries.

The author's comments:
My take on the fixed mind

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