The Game of Earth | Teen Ink

The Game of Earth

February 19, 2014
By drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On the earth of outlandish creatures,
a beautifully twisted game is in play.
An “itch” has brought a matrix of obstacles
to create treachery.
The critters soar above landscapes to “scratch” the “itch”.
From crashing through buildings to spinning gears,
the creatures deliver crush and squash to the “itch”.
But, there’s a catch.
A power-up can change the size and speed of the creature-players.
It can take the creations to a level that could establish a game over.

The author's comments:
Living on this earth is like a game. There are different ways to play and quirks that go along with it. But in order to find out how to beat it, there is one way that can lead to just that.

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