Imperfections | Teen Ink


February 20, 2014
By 17wkoch PLATINUM, Mequon, Wisconsin
17wkoch PLATINUM, Mequon, Wisconsin
39 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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A number two pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.

I catch myself staring almost immediately
as She slinks into the room
and sulks as She sits

I can see it in her tired eyes
I can read the expression on her creamy, pale face
She stopped caring
a long time ago
She stopped caring about her cracked lips and scattered freckles and her bright pink braces.
her figure wasn't perfect, and she had messy hair and a history of making mistakes and choices she regretted. And as she bends down, she starts to silently weep into her hands.

She is the most beautiful girl in the room.

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