Tuning Into Your World | Teen Ink

Tuning Into Your World

February 27, 2014
By BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
BArriaga GOLD, Huntsville, Alabama
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

The monster roars as demons burn the white walls of society.
Her chaos-bearing persona arises through her mask of terror.
She wills fire to rain on the aspirations on the common man.
The wave of heat attacks the crevices of the reality we all know
And threaten the progress made.

The images of her hatred- her separation- replay in my mind.
The brave aspire to stay while most fear her rein and let go.
Applause is heard as she tears and blurs the lines of our structures.
As for me, I sail away counting stars while royals plot.
They speak for the good of those who adore them,
And continue to tear the walls.
They serve as the institution their people fear.

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