Dreaming; Reality | Teen Ink

Dreaming; Reality

March 4, 2014
By Kenzaloo BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
Kenzaloo BRONZE, Corvallis, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The peacefulness of the orphanage,
quiets my racing, beating heart.
The bed next to me holds Clara, next to her Lisabeth, and farther down Livvy.
Their placid faces hold pain,
carefully tucked away under layers of youthful contentment.
Gazing at them, my plan suddenly seems bittersweet.

I started out rationalizing Ms. Tremonta wouldn’t care,
running seemed like the only option,
the door that was my last hope suddenly locked and disappeared.
But now, I realize I have more to fight for.

The timid girl that used to be me,
are now the ones I’m protecting.
I’m all they ever knew, merciless war destroyed all who ever cared for them.
As for me, I’m an old-timer,
of my fourteen summers, ten have been spent as an orphan,
hiding in the corner, walking away from the opportunities I could have had.

But now I have a purpose.
If I don’t love them who will?
Who will sing to them?
Who will hold baby Lisabeth, as she cries herself to sleep?
Who will secure them a better future?

The questions give me faith.
I walk to each of their bedsides and kiss them gently on the forehead.
As I drift off to sleep I begin to hum,
a tune my momma sang me,
treasuring her image in my mind.
I fall asleep, lulled by the soft breathing of children.

The author's comments:
Just imagining all the children who were parentless made me want to write something in their point of view.

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