Last Words of a Dying Tree | Teen Ink

Last Words of a Dying Tree

March 7, 2014
By Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Kait-Petter SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are foot prints on the moon"

Rays of glory fall upon my extensions
Giving me the chance to live and
Exfoliate my growing self as
I wonder standing still how
Such beaming colors can help me to
Live on and get caught up in itself
Moving as if to mock me and
Coming back day after day while
I stand here brining life to those around me
Yet I have to stay grounded while you are
Uprooted in the sense of mobility
And strength, these come to you easily.
I can sway at best, yet you can
Come and leave as quickly as you came and
I understand your strange ways of which I disagree
You give me life and I give it to the creatures
That destroy me. Sense the irony within the statement?
You give me life so I can be wasted
And yet I have no way to protect myself
From these things who swear to protect me.
So I ask you again, sun, why can you wander
But I must stand still?
That is what I have wondered my entire life.
Why do these people hate me so?
I hear their whispers
As they pass me by.
They talk of one another,
As if they hate
Everything that our lord has given them!
Why must they be so ignorant?
They are never thankful for what they have.
Ninety four years, I have stood here.
Waiting for a decent one to
Pass me by.
Ninety four years.
That’s how long it took
For me to give up.
So thank you sun,
For your wicked ways.
Ninety four years wasted.
On a lonely tree.

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