Save Me | Teen Ink

Save Me

February 24, 2014
By Sarabjot BRONZE, Brampton, Other
Sarabjot BRONZE, Brampton, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love Yourself

Eyes shut.
Clenched fists.
Lava, swims out of my eyes
Long fingernails dig deep in skin
Quivering lips
Smile, a
Broken glass

Tied down
Leather belts
Scars, from the pain I’ve felt
What did I do pa, to
Deserve this
Door locks
You’re gone

Empty air
Left alone
Darkness stares me in the eyes
Numbness strangles my delicate soul
Deceptive heartbeat
Quiet screams
Save me.

The author's comments:
I wanted my poem to be different from what is already on the internet and to essentially have an impact on the readers. I brainstormed five potential topics in my journal, one of which was the state after you finish crying (for example, puffy eyes). I felt that because most people can relate to this state, it would bring out their emotions and have somewhat of an impact on them as it could remind them of a time they dealt with something that made them feel that way. However, when I started writing, I realized that I cannot simply just describe one emotion and that I needed a story to go with it. I reflected on the past 30 days of my life and realized that there is someone I could write about. I do not personally know her, as she is my sister’s friend in another city but her experience was powerful enough to write about. She was being abused by her own parents. I found that this perfectly relates to the emotions I wanted to address in my poem. It is also something that I feel strongly about.

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