Brave | Teen Ink


March 8, 2014
By hgjohnson GOLD, Nerstrand, Minnesota
hgjohnson GOLD, Nerstrand, Minnesota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Brave is putting his family into hiding when he realizes that this is not just a petty prejudice. Hitler, the person who promised a better life for everyone, the person that he voted for, is hunting him down.
Brave is not bursting into tears when they found him and after, having to decide what is precious enough to bring along in a solitary suitcase.
Brave is after being put in Auschwitz, giving what meager bread and water he had to a starving eight year old child.
Brave is doing twice the hard labor so the man with pneumonia in the bottom bunk can live to see at least one more day.
Brave is giving up his overcoat on a death march because a woman was too rushed to pack one. But don’t worry, he got it back when just two days later she dropped dead.
Brave is telling a little boy that they were finally getting to take a shower, but knowing full well that they were walking to their death. Exterminated, like the pests he judged them to be.

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