Question Mark | Teen Ink

Question Mark

March 10, 2014
By ToyaArniece SILVER, Mobile, Alabama
ToyaArniece SILVER, Mobile, Alabama
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

I take advantage of each breath, cause the next one isn’t promised to me
I don’t understand why MY life’s such a catastrophe
Why are my feelings indescribable, like they are lost in a black hole
Why do they convict me like I’m not the one in control
It’s mind over matter, or at least that’s what they say
So I think real hard, but my feelings never go my minds way
They say everyone has their ups and downs
But there’s no getting up when your past the ground
I’m waiting patiently for my brighter day to come
Looking at good things happening f0r 0thers and wondering why I can’t get some
But I know that I do not regret any moment that pass
Cause I just don’t know it may be my last

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