Crashing Waves | Teen Ink

Crashing Waves

March 18, 2014
By jjuneau2 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
jjuneau2 BRONZE, Schaumburg, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Here is a journey to which we
are just travelers who don’t know
the way, blindly wading into
the waters, first through the

shallows of legos and barbies,
kicking up silt, we splash and
be merry while we go deeper,
never learning to swim,

but now it’s too deep and we can’t
go back, whirlpools of swag
and yolo pull us under, our
floaties are gone and our air is out.

Then comes the sun and beautiful air,
we’ve done it, survived, beaten the odds,
we’re ready to swim across the abyss,
but that’s when the wave comes crashing

towards us with no sign of stopping,
the sunlight is gone and lungs fill with water,
up is down and down is everywhere,
the surface escaped and left us behind,

but the game isn’t over and we still
have a chance to find our way back,
legs kicking and arms pulling we head
towards the light, and surface again.

Finally the sea has calmed and there
is a boat, empty and waiting
to save us from these waters,
and take us on-

The author's comments:
As a senior in high school, the future is a pretty foreboding and ominous prospect. Worries of college and newly-independent life are abundant in my mind and I felt like expressing this angst here. So, yea.

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