Bus of Misfit Kids | Teen Ink

Bus of Misfit Kids

March 23, 2014
By DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
DrugsandTea GOLD, Amherst, Colorado
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
-Cheshire Cat

The guy who can't be honest about what he feels with anyone,
The kid who doesn't speak,
The girl who thinks everyone is out to get her,
The insecure jock,
And the girl who can't help but wonder what people think of her.
This, the bus of misfit kids driving through a hell of their own.
A four year to life sentence with cell mates who want you dead.
To each their own pain and grief.

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