Collapsed... | Teen Ink


March 24, 2014
By Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
Katelyn_Neely SILVER, Oil City, Pennsylvania
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can remember waking up the next morning
Thinking about our fight from the night before
Replaying it in my head
Feeling the words cut me like a razor again and again
Everything was slipping through my fingers
Our family
Our life
Our love
The silence became deafening
I needed to fix this
I waited for him to come home from work...
But he never did
The clock seemed to be ticking slower and slower
Then the phone rad, cutting through the silence like an arrow
My mothers frantic voice told me to turn on the news
I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest
Then I saw it
Our family
Our life
Our love
My trembling hands couldn't hold the weight of the phone anymore
I watched my future die right in front of me
The second plane hit at 9:03
At 9:59 the South Tower, alone with my world, collapsed...

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