My Strong Feelings | Teen Ink

My Strong Feelings

March 27, 2014
By PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
PandaPan SILVER, Homestead, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

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People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

I remember the first day i met you...

I was so scared to say hi but then i did.

A few weeks i started having a crush on you.

I thought you deserved better so i didnt even bother telling you.

Then my feelings got stronger and it came during Christmas break where i decided when we get back in school and i would tell you.

Then i got cold feet, because i realized i didnt like you i loved you.

I didnt know how to deal with it so i kept it a secret.

I didnt even think you'd date me so i didnt even try.

But then it got hard to hide my feelings for you so i just told you

I needed advice i went from bestfriend to bestfriend asking if you like me.

Then you told me you like me.

I tried my hardest not to ruin our friendship because, i loved you and i just found out that you liked me.

Then it came from being me and you to being us...

We became so close, but i still feel that i'm not worth it.

you are totally worth all the attention and love.

I want you to know that i will not leave.

I want you to know aslong as your trying i'm not leaving,

I care too much and love you so much that i will not leave or hurt you baby...

I never felt this much feelings for one person at one time.

I've never wanted to be with someone so much that i actually cry.

You make me cry tears of joy.

You make me smile so much it makes me feel that i was never hurt before.

You make me feel like you'll never hurt me, like you'll never leave me.

Thanks baby for being my bestfriend, my boyfriend, my lover, my significant other.

The author's comments:
It Is about my current relationship...

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