The Calm | Teen Ink

The Calm

April 1, 2014
By fame_thakidd SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
fame_thakidd SILVER, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

His eyes were gold. Gold and empty.
They had brown flecks in them. His face was clean.
Not a single beard hair in sight. He was cold. So incredibly cold.

A single touch sent a million iced waves through my body.
His skin was pale tan that reminded me of sand reflecting off water.
Why was he smirking? Sort of mocking me like he always had.

His suit was creased perfectly.
There was not a wrinkle anywhere.
His pristine, cream colored suit flattered his pale skin.
He was beautiful; so magnificently beautiful.
How could something so tragic be so beautiful?
I would have never imagined it would be so peaceful.

He was still smirking.
If you looked closely enough;
You could see his perfectly bleached teeth.
A glimmer oh his diamond-like bridgework
Peered from behind his perched lips.

You would think that death would be frightening.
He took it with no fight.
They had greeted each other as long lost brothers.
As if they had been separated by birth;
and had a lot to catch up on.

The man was still smiling at me.
He was beautiful from head to toe.
He was calm.
With no words said,
Everything was said.
Every ‘good-bye’ and ‘take care’ was known.

You could see it on the man’s face.

The man was my father.

The author's comments:
We aLl can see the beauty in tragedy if we look hard enough.

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