Summer Love | Teen Ink

Summer Love

April 4, 2014
By Aris13 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
Aris13 BRONZE, Hammond, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Smile forever!"

Two complete strangers
Met in the summer time
Love at first sight
Faith leaded them to each other
They been through so much in life
Struggling and pain is what they felt all their lives
No happiness or love until they became lovers
Nothing can tear them apart
Bonnie and Clyde is what they are
Riding together till the very end
They smile, laugh, cry, fight, and get mad but they’ll never break up
Get through the stormy weather
To be holding hands in the hot weather
Kissing each other lips
Heart racing like race cars
Cheesy smiles like mac and cheese
Laughing like little kids
Feeling the summer love through their veins like shockwaves
Staring into each other eyes
They want to get marry and have kids
Their love will never die but stay alive

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