two tone peoms | Teen Ink

two tone peoms

March 31, 2014
By evanburlingame SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
evanburlingame SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Somedays I’m a bright red
lively and intoned to everything
feeling awake and aware
just making school fun as much as i can,
but then somedays I’m a cloudy black,
bored and asleep
feeling lousy and unaware
though black is dreaded,
I’m feeling red today

Part of me is a eye popping blue,
you know I’m in a good mood,
people wanna talk to me,
they see I’m an intriguing person,
then I have my eye closing gray,
you better stay far away,
feeling bashful and angry,
sad and upset
those both describe me well,
but I’m more blue than gray

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