Lost But Found | Teen Ink

Lost But Found

April 10, 2014
By BandxLife BRONZE, Cedar Creek, Nebraska
BandxLife BRONZE, Cedar Creek, Nebraska
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Rising up into the sky isn’t what I thought
It’s heart-moving, different, endless
I shoot up higher into the blue pit of happiness
Shouting in exclaim as I rocket into my dreams
I can’t tell you now how I feel
It’s kind of unexplainable
The way things work for me
I’m different
So that’s better then what you can be?
Thinking that being original is a spectacle of life
Is wrong and disturbed
I am lost in my dreams
without forgetting who I truly am
The smile on my face
Is never-ending
and that you can’t change of me
Because I am strong
And weightless
Being a feather
Is all I need
Because I wasn’t only lost
I was also found..

The author's comments:
A poem for language arts class. Whatcha think?

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