Family Eyes | Teen Ink

Family Eyes

April 14, 2014
By kevinstar SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
kevinstar SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In all our family photos there is one quality that stands out: our eyes. Blueish gray like the ocean. Nothing spectacular, isn't particularly eye catching. But the longer you look, the more peculiar they seem. My dad’s blue eyes offset his reddish blond hair like the cool blue at the base of a flame. His head is a bonfire. My mom’s moody blue shade can either feel cold and desolate on a bad day or warm and fuzzy on a good day. My eyes are the same as my siblings on a spectral medium between the fiery blue of my dad and the deep blue shade of my mom. Our eyes are a blueish gray, subtle and quiet. Modest but arguable magnificent at the same time. The Star family’s eye color is a perfect distinguishing feature since it represents the nature and personalities of our family so well. We may not jump out at you from first glance but instead intrigue you more and more the longer you gaze into our blue gray eyes.

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