Hairs | Teen Ink


April 14, 2014
By drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
drew713 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Voice and My Father’s

I live in a family that is much like a band called ‘This Will Destroy You’. We are soft, but soon, get loud when we speak.

My mother and sister are like chattery chipmunks when they give their daily speeches at the dinner table. My brother acts like a squawking seagull from ‘Finding Nemo’; he’s always shouting “Mine!” through everything he says.

My father and I are a bit different than the rest. We act like bears with our voices. We emboss the atmosphere with our words that could wake the dead. When people hear our roaring voices, it’s almost as if they pause to listen. Our sounds command the waves of conversations to rumble.

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