I am the outdoors | Teen Ink

I am the outdoors

April 14, 2014
By 5eckes SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5eckes SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At the start of the trail, I can hear my feet crunch against the leaves. To my left is a sign with an arrow pointing forward. This is the way i take. Birds flying overhead, squirrels running along the trees. I walk by myself being able to enjoy the scenery and being able to clear my mind. Before i know it, im already engulfed into the trail. Below my is a stream, of water. THe calming sounds of the river bring me to a hault. I take a seat on the bridge and dangle my feet into the water. 3 little fish swim by gracefully as if they weren't swimming at all. Almost like they were floating. Finally i begin my journey again. To my right a rabbit scurries by frantically. I jumped but let it be. continuing my walk, i see a sign to my left with an arrow pointing forward. once again i hear the leaves crunch against my feet at the beginning of the trail.

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