I Am a Bottle of Jack Daniel`s | Teen Ink

I Am a Bottle of Jack Daniel`s

April 14, 2014
By Asisk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Asisk BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am a glass of amber heaven, drown yourself in my haze
And lose yourself in my honey depths
Let my stupor charm you, lull you, have fun with me, I whisper
I will make it all better, the anger, the pain, the boredom all gone
Deep inside my darkness, but I am light and I am all you need
Just open me up, my amber inside, get ready for heaven
Fill a glass up, lose yourself in my magic in a moment
I am a glass and golden monument to your successes and failures
Prepare for oblivion

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