Family's Eyes | Teen Ink

Family's Eyes

April 14, 2014
By BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

These eyes can see, see the eyes of my family. Father’s eyes only see what he wants to see. Eyes of a sports analyst, he breaks everything down. His mouth is silent, but eyes bark when he stares. My mother and sister’s eyes, one old school and the other new. Both still need glasses in order to read, one of books and novels, the other with her electronic computer. Though she thinks she knows all with her little device, really my mother knows all from hardcover and paper. All those eyes see is a narrow path, but these eyes, my eyes see the whole picture. My eyes sees what goes unseen, nothing what should not have been seen. I see the world on what it truly is, my family though walks blindly on this beautiful but troubled earth.

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