I Am A Dog | Teen Ink

I Am A Dog

April 14, 2014
By 5peters GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
5peters GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

One day you came home crying. You sat yourself on the couch and curled up into a ball under one of the blankets set there to keep my fur of the furniture. You cried. Harder and harder you cried so I came over and softly nuzzled the hand you left outstretched and hanging off of the couch. You pushed me away, shouting at me to leave you alone, but I stayed. I sat there quietly, listening to you cry and waiting--waiting for you to let me help you the only way I knew how.

Your gentle tears slowed. After some time you finally peeked your head up and out from under the blankets. Your face was strewn with forgotten tears. I gently kissed them all away and then pulled back, tilting my head to the side. I saw a small smile playing on the corner of your lips.

“Thank you.”, you whispered. You pat my head and made room for me to la with you. I curled up next to you and lay my head on your arm--panting softly and letting you comfort yourself by wrapping your arms around my soft and silky abdomen. “Thank you.”

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