Like a Brother | Teen Ink

Like a Brother

April 14, 2014
By BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
BigCity95 GOLD, Okauchee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

At home I’m a butt, annoying you left and right. I only do it to you cause it gets to you runt. It gets so funny, you run to mommy for help. I only do it cause I won’t be around for long.

If you try talking to me, make sure its fun. I zone out and not care on what you say. It’s not mean, maybe rude, but nothing I can do.

No one really knows it, but I’m always there when you need it. I have your back in everything, there is no denying it. I only want whats best for you, no fights, no battles, no wars, no, none

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