My Bands Podcasts | Teen Ink

My Bands Podcasts

April 11, 2014
By J_Tibble891 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
J_Tibble891 BRONZE, Elkhorn, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm a freak naturally, just how I want to be, your a freak, just like me- (Freakshow)- Skillet

There are so many podcasts
All of them so funny
Whether its John being a crazy walrus
Or Xavier's balloon buddy popped
I always have fun watching them

But, its not about how funny they are
Or how well they perform
Its about how they stick together
through the hard times

Even the kids,
Alex and Xavier,
hold up for each other

Each song they write,
All very inspirational,
brings them closer some way

I'm glad they're still here
through 1991 till now
there's been so much change

But they still hold together
They taught me to not care what other people say about me.
They taught me that
even when I'm sick of the worlds problems
I'm not alone

They taught me on my worst nights that,
I'm not going to die

They taught me to
fight for my future

They taught me to
Rise in Revolution
with all the other people
who feel like me

They taught me that
Everyone is a freak
in their own
sneaky, creepy ways

They let me know that,
I have a voice and,
I should use it

They taught me to stand my ground and
Never back down

They taught me to take action
as soon as I can

And I'm glad they are still here...

The author's comments:
I chose to write this poem on my favorite band Skillet. Skillet is a famous Christian band. They inspire many people like they did for me with this poem.

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