Perfectly Imperfect | Teen Ink

Perfectly Imperfect

April 15, 2014
By JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
JazmyneB SILVER, Gananoque, Other
8 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
*Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land among the stars*

Once there was a gardener.
Who was in need of something of her own to love and take care of.
She choose to bring four beautiful flowers home,

and promised to care for them from the day they were born.
She nurtured each of her flowers from a little seed,

which she kept safe from every single weed.
First came the Lilac, her very first love.
Then came the Orchid, her delicate beauty.
Next was the Sunflower, the only one to adore.
And last was the Tulip, the princess no one could abhor.
This gardener tended her garden the only way she knew how, with love day and night till forever from now.
Her wish, this gardener, is most like the rest,

To have her flowers one day stand tall like the best.

She knows this takes time, which she’s willing to give,

in exchange for a little aid in helping her flowers live.
She wants her flowers to know when she’s gone,

that she’ll still keep them safe from morning till dawn.
Those flowers don’t make the garden totally perfect,

but maybe that’s how she likes things; perfectly imperfect.

The author's comments:
My mothers birthday was coming up and that's when I got the idea for this poem. The four flowers are each of my siblings and the meaning of our flower is directly related to each of us in someway. I don't normally write poetry but I thought I could give it a try.

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