The Flower Shop | Teen Ink

The Flower Shop

April 22, 2014
By Claudius BRONZE, Brookline, New Hampshire
Claudius BRONZE, Brookline, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds." -William Shakespeare, Sonnet 116

I dreamt I had waywardly strolled
into a flower shop
with its sign faded and barely readable.

Tile flooring was buried
under the weight of pre-packaged bouquets.

My eyes were grabbed by some
red roses
seared by passionate fire, so I brought them
between my calloused fingertips.
They took on
the delicate caress of your hands.

I was witness to carnations
smeared the color of a cherubic face.
Your beautifully smiling countenance came to me
while they mingled with the roses
upon being picked up.

Silently tucked away
lay royal hyacinths dressed up in purple robes and crown.
Crystalline droplets fell away
from the petals on their ascent into my hands,
bounding off the leaves and almost
extinguishing the roses’ fire.

I wished to preserve these
robes for the princess whom I always
stood by hand-in-hand.

You stood there at the checkout counter,
arms outstretched,
as if to invite these flowers out of
my heart into yours.

The author's comments:
This was written for someone very dear to me during a precarious time in my relationship with them.

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