A World of His Own | Teen Ink

A World of His Own

April 18, 2014
By Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
Heidi Park SILVER, Boston, Massachusetts
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Silent footsteps, silent face,
Shrugs and mumbles,
Shuffling about without a trace.
Dull gray eyes, drooping down,
Feeling simply out of place.

Speaking in nods and downwards lips,
An invisible voice of colorless breath,
Hiding behind curtain of hair with frazzled tips,
Imaginary figure invisible to all.

Stepping inside the familiar door,
Mother working, air cold,
Quiet trek towards the sacred fortress,
Destination: His only sanctuary.

Pulling the magic wand from the drawer,
Dipped in dreams,
His eyes catch light.
One bold stroke across canvas unlocks
Entrance to the magical world:

Spring green sky with baby pink clouds
Fresh orange trees and sweet purple sand
Friendly smiles of orangutans
Hot red zebras dancing dancing
Giraffes in tutus prancing prancing

Elephants of giant ears fly him away
Into the world where stars are his clay.
Friends of ants and wizards too
Much better than any zoo.

The boy laughs.
Mischievous clouds tickle the sun
Shouts of bliss paint the sky
Magnificent magenta, fiery orange
Giggling dolphins leaping up high
To catch the boy’s dreams, his hopes and his smiles

Into hopeful eyes; into bright smiles
Into his mind; into his dreams

The world he created on his own
Was the only one he could call home.
An endless paradise, a blissful escape.

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