Born an Original | Teen Ink

Born an Original

April 27, 2014
By Anonymous

I was born an original
I was no copy, no misfit
I was perfect.

I had three smiles, one for laughing, one for caring,
And one for contentment
I used all three every day.
I was born an original.

I grew up with a younger brother as a neighbor
I was compared, scrutinized,
Looked at.
I was born an original.

Paused videos recall my brother, the laugh of the century,
A handsome thing, a clown.
I sat, silent, an unsure thing,
Looked at.
I was born an original.

Comparison after comparison,
Strenuous years of who was taller, bigger,
I lost every time, yet I was still
Born an original.

My parents told me I had confidence,
My parents told me who I could be,
My parents told me I was sweet,
My parents told me I was original.

I went to school, living in shadows,
Giving myself useless labels,
Drowning in my own silence.
I was born an original.

People recalled me
Not remembering what came after the name,
Definition: a dry desert
With little to no water,
No substance.
I was born an original.

I went to high school,
People adding their labels to my labels
Awkward, quiet, innocent, virgin…
I owned them all,
They owned me,
Wearing them upon my sleeve
Like a watch, constantly checking.
I was born an original.

I’d acknowledge every label,
They each had their own unique part of me
I became those labels,
And the labels became me,
Personifying themselves as if they had their own
Life form.
I was born an original.

I analyzed everything,
Constantly googling:
“How to be funny,”
“How to be pretty,”
“How to be liked,”
Confused why communication was so hard
And overthinking was so easy.
I was born an original.

I wanted to leave.
You’re told that if someone talks down to you
Or uses yourself against you,
You just walk away.
I wasn’t lucky enough to do so.
I had no solid legs to walk on,
With an increased amount of labels
Dragging them down.
I stuck myself out there,
Trying to be the opposite of what those labels represented.
I was born an original.

Quiet and awkward became
Loud and forced humor,
Innocent became more eye makeup,
More time dwindling in self image.
Attaching myself to something,
To be noticed.
I felt lost in my own personality,
Therapy doing nothing,
My parents doing nothing,
Confidence doing nothing.
I was born an original.

I changed schools,
Labels followed, but not as harshly.
I felt every pang of criticism,
Like a boat on a stormy sea,
Able to sink at any moment.
I didn’t know what to attach on to,
So I resorted to field trips to the bathroom,
Crying to relieve tension
Of wounds that might never heal.
I was born an original.

Comparisons continued:
Who had the most friends,
Who was the prettiest,
Who could be absolutely perfect.
I was none.
I was an original.

I never felt, could never understand
How to talk to people.
I could see the labels
In their eyes,
And wouldn’t even finish my sentence
Before walking away,
I couldn’t understand
How I ever had the chance of a boyfriend,
Feeling the pain of being inexperienced,
A virgin.

I was born an original.

I have never understood,
Can never understand.
I am awkward.
I am quiet.
I am a virgin.
I am innocent.
And I was born an original.

The author's comments:
It's a rough, yet heartfelt poem. I hope it inspires and relates to people!

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