Don''t Fall Down | Teen Ink

Don''t Fall Down

April 24, 2014
By Kyle Harvey BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
Kyle Harvey BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was scared
the thought of that very first step,
it felt like I was swimming in a pool of sharks.
I had knots in my chest.

Looking down that seemingly endless driveway, my head began to spin.
Faster and faster
just like a roller coaster. I wasn’t just scared
I was horrified.

I was only six.
I had done nothing like this before.
I strapped on my helmet
the hot summer sun beat down on me.

Sweat dripped rapidly from my forehead
my parents, my grandparents both there to watch the event.
Strung on by encouragement and desire,
with one quick decision, I had begun.

There was no going back.
Wind ripped past my face,
and through the holes in my helmet.
I stumbled at first

in one quick awkward motion, I slammed my feet,
Hard, into the solid ground. I didn’t quit.
I began again

using the driveway for both speed and momentum,
my feet sticking out on both sides
acting like landing gear on a plane. I was tossed left and right,
from the cracks in the cement. Staying balance wasn’t easy.

But I Never Fell.
Instead I Pedaled On.
The training wheels had gone.
I was free.

In that moment
I had done it.

I Learned
How to ride a Bike.

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