Trying Too Hard | Teen Ink

Trying Too Hard

May 7, 2014
By Natalie Corey BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
Natalie Corey BRONZE, Sandy, Utah
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He melted my icy heart with cute remarks,
although my heart hadn't been that icy to begin with.
He softened my rough edges with his smile,
although my edges have never been very rough in the first place.
His jokes wiggled their way into my frown causing me to smile,
although I’ve never been the frowning type of person.
He made me laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe,
although I was already left breathless by my own stupid jokes.
His kisses made my knees weak,
although I’d never really been that graceful before.
He tries so hard just for me,
although he never really had to try at all,
because he’d already won my heart

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