My Loss | Teen Ink

My Loss

May 7, 2014
By sasunaru BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
sasunaru BRONZE, Rancho Cucamonga, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her emerald eyes shone like beautiful gems.
Her lips were the color of a fresh cut pink rose.
Her hair the sweet color of milk chocolate that would flow in the summer breeze.
Her hands the delicate shape of pianist.
Her pale complexion rivaled the fresh fallen snow.
Her form was as delicate as that of a gymnast.
But that was now all gone.
All that was in my hands was a photograph.
Her smiling face looking at me as a swirl of emotions shown in her eyes.
They were captivating, they held so much love and devotion.
But now they were simple empty voids.
Her skin was no longer the beautiful pale, but ghastly and sickly.
Her lips were no longer the beautiful petal pink, but pale and cracked.
Her milk chocolate hair was now the color of worn out wood.
My eyes watered as I saw her body in the white casket, looking peaceful and at rest.
The only thing that reminded me of her was the small bundle in my arms.
Her eyes were shut, but when she opened them they were the same bright emerald.
Her small fist curled, and her pale pink lips open in a cheeky smile.
Her bubbly laugh left her lips and I couldn’t hold it anymore as I let the tears run down my face.
The one that I adored had left me
But she didn’t leave me alone
She left me with my daughter

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