Soul Mates | Teen Ink

Soul Mates

May 16, 2014
By Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Rachel0945 GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They have been dating for a while. Ever since they were tweens. They are the perfect couple. Soul mates. One in a lifetime. No matter what they are going through they always stick together. Always work it out. Whether it be jealousy. Or who forgot to text who. They always work it out. Never fight over the little things. The perfect couple.

But suddenly she doesn't feel so good anymore. She feels stressed. She feels panicked. He feels like it is his fault. It isn’t. Swears it’s her and not him. And that’s the truth. She needs space to work through her own issues. She needs some time to think.

They have to work through this. They can work through anything. They are the perfect couple. Destine to be together. Soul mates.

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